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Facts about Ounce
Basic facts: An ounce is a unit of mass in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement. Its symbol is [oz]. The avoirdupois ounce, which is the common ounce, is defined as precisely 28.349523125 grams and is equal to one-sixteenth of an avoirdupois pound.
History: The term ounce originates from the Roman uncia, which means a [twelfth part] and the use of a standardized copper bar which defined the Roman pound as well as the foot. The copper bar was divided into twelve identical parts, called unciae. This relationship between the Roman pound and foot ultimately contributed to the uncia being the basis of both the modern inch and the common ounce. Throughout history, the ounce has been used as a standard of mass for various applications and with different definitions. Examples include the French ounce (30.59g), Spanish ounce (28.75g), and the Dutch metric ounce (100g) among others. In 1959, the current definition of the ounce, the international avoirdupois ounce was adopted.
Use: In the US customary system of measurement, an ounce is still a standard unit of mass. It is mainly used in the United States for food portions, measuring packaged food products, and postal items, among other things. In some other countries around the world that have roots in British history and culture, the ounce is still used. The United Kingdom no longer officially uses the ounce due to metrication. It is, however, still used in some settings (restaurants) in the United Kingdom.
Facts about Grain
Basic facts: A grain is an archaic unit of measurement of mass. In the avoirdupois, troy weight, and apothecaries’ system it is equivalent to precisely 64.79891 milligrams. Nominally it is based on the mass of a single ideal seed of a cereal.
This unit of measure was the legal foundation of traditional English weight systems and is the only unit that is equivalent throughout the avoirdupois, troy, and apothecaries’ systems of mass. The grain was based on the weight of a single grain of barley, assumed to be equivalent to 1+1/3 grains of wheat.
History: On the 1st of July 1959, since the implementation of the international yard and pound agreement of the grain or troy grain, which symbol is [gr], the measure has been defined in terms of units of mass in the International System of Units as exactly 64.79891 milligrams. One gram is therefore around 15.43236 grains.
Use: The grain is generally used to measure the mass of propellants and bullets. The grain is the standard unit used to weigh arrows in archery. In the US the hardness of water is often measured in grains per US gallon [gpg] of equivalents to calcium carbonate.
How many grains in an ounce?
1 ounce is equivalent to 437.4999999988 grains. Use 437.4999999988 as the factor to convert ounces to grains. Below find some popular ounces to grains conversion questions:
- How many grains in 2 ounces? 2 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 875 number grains
- How many grains in 3 ounces? 3 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 1312.5 number grains
- How many grains in 5 ounces? 5 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 2187.5 number grains
- How many grains in 10 ounces? 10 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 4375 number grains
- How many grains in 20 ounces? 20 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 8750 number grains
- How many grains in 50 ounces? 50 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 21875 number grains
- How many grains in 100 ounces? 100 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 43750 number grains
- How many grains in 1000 ounces? 1000 ounces x 437.4999999988 = 437500 number grains
Ounces to Grains Conversion Chart
Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains |
1 | 437.5 | 26 | 11375 | 51 | 22312.5 | 76 | 33250 |
2 | 875 | 27 | 11812.5 | 52 | 22750 | 77 | 33687.5 |
3 | 1312.5 | 28 | 12250 | 53 | 23187.5 | 78 | 34125 |
4 | 1750 | 29 | 12687.5 | 54 | 23625 | 79 | 34562.5 |
5 | 2187.5 | 30 | 13125 | 55 | 24062.5 | 80 | 35000 |
6 | 2625 | 31 | 13562.5 | 56 | 24500 | 81 | 35437.5 |
7 | 3062.5 | 32 | 14000 | 57 | 24937.5 | 82 | 35875 |
8 | 3500 | 33 | 14437.5 | 58 | 25375 | 83 | 36312.5 |
9 | 3937.5 | 34 | 14875 | 59 | 25812.5 | 84 | 36750 |
10 | 4375 | 35 | 15312.5 | 60 | 26250 | 85 | 37187.5 |
11 | 4812.5 | 36 | 15750 | 61 | 26687.5 | 86 | 37625 |
12 | 5250 | 37 | 16187.5 | 62 | 27125 | 87 | 38062.5 |
13 | 5687.5 | 38 | 16625 | 63 | 27562.5 | 88 | 38500 |
14 | 6125 | 39 | 17062.5 | 64 | 28000 | 89 | 38937.5 |
15 | 6562.5 | 40 | 17500 | 65 | 28437.5 | 90 | 39375 |
16 | 7000 | 41 | 17937.5 | 66 | 28875 | 91 | 39812.5 |
17 | 7437.5 | 42 | 18375 | 67 | 29312.5 | 92 | 40250 |
18 | 7875 | 43 | 18812.5 | 68 | 29750 | 93 | 40687.5 |
19 | 8312.5 | 44 | 19250 | 69 | 30187.5 | 94 | 41125 |
20 | 8750 | 45 | 19687.5 | 70 | 30625 | 95 | 41562.5 |
21 | 9187.5 | 46 | 20125 | 71 | 31062.5 | 96 | 42000 |
22 | 9625 | 47 | 20562.5 | 72 | 31500 | 97 | 42437.5 |
23 | 10062.5 | 48 | 21000 | 73 | 31937.5 | 98 | 42875 |
24 | 10500 | 49 | 21437.5 | 74 | 32375 | 99 | 43312.5 |
25 | 10937.5 | 50 | 21875 | 75 | 32812.5 | 100 | 43750 |