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Calculating Weight

calculating weight

Holidays tend to leave a legacy around your waistline, however, do not leave it too long to do something about it. The harsh reality is that it is a lot easier to gain weight than to lose it.

The average person gains a gram of weight a day, which is invisible in the normal one to two-kilogram weight change that occurs during the day [as a consequence of changes in fluid balance and whether you have just eaten]. But this progressive weight gain adds an unhealthy three to four kilograms over the long term, approximately every 10 years.

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Calculating Weight

Critical mass

An easy way to judge whether you are losing or gaining weight is by jumping on the scales once a month. However, it doesn’t tell you if your present weight is in the healthy range. That is why researchers put people into weight categories in accordance with their BMI (Body Mass Index). Your Body Mass Index includes your height in the equation and is considered to be a better indicator than weight alone. For instance, someone, whose weight falls between 57-72 kilograms and is 1.7 meters tall would be in the healthy weight range.

When your BMI is between 20 and 25 the risk of weight-related health problems is generally low. It rises gradually in the overweight category when your Body Mass Index is up to 30 and surges rapidly with obesity, which is a Body Mass Index of more than 30.

Problems occur in underweight people as well. The BMI of the average fashion model is below 20, and such a low weight raises the chance of osteoporosis later in life. According to some studies being too light raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. We need balance as usual.

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Body of evidence

Sadly, even Body Mass Index doesn’t tell the full health story. Fat can be deposited in dangerous or safe areas of the body. The most dangerous places are on the upper body, particularly around the waist. Abdominal fat has a strong association with higher risks of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, gallstones, high blood pressure and stroke, and cancers of the bowel, kidney, uterus, ovary, and breast [particularly for women over 50]. There is also an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, upper-body fat has been linked to sleep apnea, a condition that leaves many individuals depleted of energy during the day.

Among medical experts, there is a growing consensus that a tape measure estimates potential health problems better than scales. According to extensive reviews, the waist measurement is also superior to Body Mass Index in evaluating risk levels of the majority of health problems, specifically cancers, Type-2 diabetes, and heart disease. Employing waist size as a guide also solves the problem that fit individuals with a considerable amount of muscle often have a high BMI because muscle is heavier than fat.

Calculating Weight

Size yourself up

If the waist measurement [taken at the belly button] is more than 94 cm for men and 80 cm for women, and substantially increased if it is more than 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women the chance of health problems is increased. The good news is that fat on the thighs, hips, or bottom is connected with fewer health problems. Moreover, by taking excess kilojoules away from the upper body, lower-body fat may even exert a buffering effect.

Having extra weight anywhere on the body raises the risk of osteoarthritis and knee and back problems. This is another reason to create a fitness plan today.

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How to calculate your own BMI

To begin you will require a calculator and scales. In order to calculate your Body Mass Index, you should divide your weight [in kilograms] by your height [in meters] squared. For instance, if you weigh 75 kilograms and are 1.75 meters tall, your BMI will be 75 / 1.75 (3.06) = 24.5 BMI. Preferably, your Body Mass Index should be between 20 and 25.

How to Lift Heavy Objects the Proper Way

According to the National Library of Medicine, the most typical cause of sharp back pain is a sudden injury to the ligaments and muscles supporting your back. Lifting heavy things can cause muscle strains, spasms, and tears to the muscles and ligaments that lead to significant back pain. In order to help relieve back pain associated with heavy lifting rest, gentle exercise, and use of over-the-counter pain medications, however, you may require professional orthopedic care in some circumstances.

The risk of painful spasms, strains, and tears can be reduced by correctly lifting heavy objects.

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How to Lift Heavy Objects the Proper Way

Lifting Heavy Objects Correctly

Examine the object for potential problems

Find out if the object is difficult to grasp or slippery. Examine for holes, tears, rips, dangling pieces, or contents that may move as you lift the object.

Estimate the weight of the object

Remember, a small package is not always lightweight. So, move the object lightly with your hands or feet to see how effortlessly it moves.

Do not attempt to lift it if it weighs more than you can safely raise by yourself. Break down the object into smaller pieces, if possible, and make several trips, or ask somebody to assist you.

Think through the task before you start

Try to decide in advance where you will place the object and how you will bring it there. Set out a safe way and remove any obstacles that may stumble you. Beware of uneven floors, puddles, and unsecured rugs that may slip out from under you. Determine if you require a ladder, hand truck, gloves, dolly, or other special equipment.

Enlist the help of a partner

A partner besides helping you lift especially heavy objects can move obstacles that suddenly fall into your path, or act as a spotter who warns you of trouble when the object you are carrying covers your view. Before you begin to move heavy objects consult your plan in detail with your partner so that you function together as a crew.

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How to Lift Heavy Objects the Proper Way

Begin in a safe position

Rather than bending over, lift the object from a kneeling position if the object is on the floor. Put one knee on the floor and stand as close to the object as possible. As you prepare to stand, rest the object on your knee.

As you stand, hold the natural curve of your back

As you stand hold the core muscles in your abdomen tight. Look straight ahead and keep your head back to keep the right alignment in your back and neck. Try to use the muscles in your legs rather than the muscles in your back, to lift the object. As you lift, evade twisting at the waist because this can injure the muscles in your back. If you require to turn, step to the side.

Instead of kneeling, lift from the squat position

You can safely lift higher objects, like those on a table, without kneeling if you have trouble kneeling or rising from a kneeling position. In order to give your body a wide base of support, start by spreading your feet shoulder-width apart. You may discover that putting one foot barely in front of the other increases stability. Stand as close as attainable to the object then bend at your knees, not at your waist, as required to lift the object.

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Place the object so you can get a good grip on it

To ensure a firm hold you might find it easier to tilt the object onto its side.

Allow your legs do the work

In order to gradually lift the object use the muscles in your legs, not your back. Hold the natural curve of your back as you pick up the object. Try to maintain your core muscles tight.

Hold the object near your body as you lift

If you can, hold the object at the belly button level. Holding a heavy object away from your body puts additional stress on the muscles of your back and this pressure could lead to injury.

Try not to hold your breath

When you lift a heavy object breathe as normally as possible. Holding your breath during physical work can provoke cramps or even raise your blood pressure to an unsafe level. If you feel out of breath, put the object down and rest. Breathing normally supplies your muscles with oxygen.

Move in a slow fashion

Rushing increases the risk of falling, so, walk unhurriedly and deliberately while carrying heavy objects.

How to Lift Heavy Objects the Proper Way

Change direction with your feet

In order to avoid injuring your lower back, use your feet to change direction rather than twisting at your waist. Take little steps as you alter direction. Guide with your hips and hold your shoulders aligned with your hips as you move.

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Bend at the knees and hips to place the object down

When you put the object down use the same proper body mechanics as when you picked up the object. Squat down, keep your back straight, look at the wall and tense your core muscles.

Weight alone does not define the chance of back injury. Further risk factors for back injury incorporate:

  • How frequently do you lift heavy objects
  • Whether you twist or bend while lifting
  • How high do you raise an object
  • The actual height of the item – objects resting below the level of your knuckles may be of a greater risk for back injuries
  • The length of time it takes to lift an object and the quantity of time you hold it.

What Is the Difference Between Weight and Mass?

In ordinary conversation, the terms “weight” and “mass” are used interchangeably, however, these two words don’t mean the same thing. The difference between weight and mass is that weight is a measure of how the force of gravity acts upon the mass, whereas mass is the amount of matter in a material.

Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in a body and it is denoted using m or M. The weight of an object is the force exerted on the object because of gravity. Weight is usually denoted by W. Weight is mass multiplied by the gravity (g) acceleration. W=m∗g

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What Is the Difference Between Weight and Mass?

Comparing Weight and Mass

Mainly, when comparing weight and mass on Earth (without moving), the values for weight and mass are the same. The mass will remain unchanged, but the weight will not if you change your location with respect to gravity. For instance, the mass of your body is a set value, but your weight is different on the Moon in comparison to Earth.

– Weight depends on the effect of gravity. With higher or lower gravity the weight increases or decreases.

– Mass is a property of matter. The mass of the body stays unchanged everywhere.

– If no gravity acts upon an object, as in space, weight can be zero.

– Mass can never be zero.

– Weight varies according to location.

– Mass does not transform according to location.

– Weight has magnitude and is directed toward the center of the Earth or other gravity well. Weight is a vector quantity.

– Mass is a scalar quantity. It has magnitude.

– In order to measure the weight spring balance is used.

– The mass is measured using an ordinary balance.

– Weight is usually measured in newtons, a unit of force.

– Mass is typically measured in kilograms and grams.

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How Much Do You Weigh on Other Planets?

The acceleration due to gravity and weight varies dramatically, while a person’s mass doesn’t change elsewhere in the solar system. The calculation of gravity on other bodies, as on Earth, besides depending on mass depends on how far the “surface” is from the center of gravity. For instance, on Earth, your weight is barely lower on a mountaintop than at sea level. The effect becomes especially impressive for large bodies, like Jupiter. While due to Jupiter’s mass, gravity exerted by it is 316 times greater than that of Earth, you wouldn’t weigh 316 times more because its “surface” [or the cloud level] is far out from the center.

Different celestial bodies have different gravity values than Earth does. Simply multiply by the appropriate number in order to get your weight. For instance, on Jupiter, a 135-pound individual would weigh 356.4 pounds or 2.64 times their weight on Earth.

What Is the Difference Between Weight and Mass?

Body     Multiple of Earth Gravity     Surface Gravity (m/s2)

Sun                      27.90                                      274.1

Mercury              0.3770                                    3.703

Venus           0.9032                                          8.872

Earth             1 (defined)                           9.8226

Moon            0.165                                             1.625

Mars             0.3895                                            3.728

Jupiter          2.640                                             25.93

Saturn           1.139                                             11.19

Uranus         0.917                                             9.01

Neptune                    1.148                                              11.28

You may be stunned by your weight on other planets. It makes sense that a person would weigh identically on Venus because that planet is almost the same size and mass as Earth. Yet, it may seem weird that you’d actually weigh less on the Uranus (gas giant). Your weight would be only barely higher on Neptune or Saturn. Your weight would remain about the same although Mercury is much smaller than Mars. The Sun is much more massive than any other body, however, you would weigh about 28 times more.

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How To Weigh Yourself

When Is the Perfect Time to Weigh Yourself and Why?

Consistency is key to accurately monitoring your weight

If you want to know whether you are gaining, losing, or maintaining weight, the best period to weigh yourself is the same time you weighed yourself the previous time.

Consider that over the course of a day your weight fluctuates. You do not want to compare how much you weigh first thing in the morning with your weight in the afternoon directly following eating lunch, it is not the correct way to track your weight.

In order to learn best practices for keeping track of your weight, keep reading this article.

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How To Weigh Yourself

Morning is good, but steadiness is key

If you want to choose a concrete time of day to steadily weigh yourself, consider the morning, after you empty your bladder.

Morning is normally the end of the longest period of your day in which you have not eaten food or participated in vigorous exercise.

Factors such as exercise or what you ate the day before don’t have a meaningful impact if you weigh yourself when you first get up in the morning.

Use a precise weighing device

Consistency in weighing yourself is not restricted to the period of day you weigh yourself.

Consider the equipment you’re using and what else you’re weighing [such as clothing] for better measurement of your weight and its fluctuations.

Some scales are more precise than others.

Request for a recommendation from:

  • your healthcare provider
  • personal trainer
  • a knowledgeable friend

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Trusted Source suggests getting a digital scale as opposed to a spring-loaded scale. You can also research sites that include ratings and buyer feedback.

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How To Weigh Yourself

Use your equipment accurately

Avoiding carpeting or uneven flooring, put your scale on a hard, flat, level surface. The easiest way to calibrate it, after setting it in place, is to adjust the weight to precisely 0.0 pounds with nothing on it.

When weighing yourself in the morning, for consistent measurement, weigh yourself after using the restroom and while standing motionless, which identically distributes your weight on both feet.

Do not weigh yourself elsewhere

Now that you have an adequate scale that is appropriately set up, use it. More significantly, only use this scale, do not weigh yourself elsewhere.

Your scale will be consistent even if it is slightly off. Any changes will display a factual alteration from the same source.

To put it in another way, any difference will be a reflection of a true change in weight, not a change in the weighing device.

It is necessary to remember that equipment may not always be correct in presenting weight measurements.

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Try to always weigh the same thing

After choosing a scale you are sure about, try to always weigh the same thing when you weigh yourself.

Presumably, the most easiest and consistent approach to weighing yourself is getting on the scale unclothed.

If that is not an alternative, try to be consistent in your clothes. For instance, try to wear the same shoes every time you weigh yourself if you must wear shoes.

You must also take into consideration that the scale will measure the liquid and food you have recently consumed.

Generally, you weigh more after dining. You will typically weigh less after strenuous physical activity because of the water you have lost through sweating. Therefore, the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning before you have eaten or exercised.

For the majority of people, doing their weight measurement in the morning makes it convenient to undress and step onto the scale.

How To Weigh Yourself

The key takeaway:

In order to get the best results consistency is key to accurate weight measurement.

  • Weigh yourself at the same time every day [morning is best, after using the bathroom].
  • Use a quality weighing device that is set up adequately.
  • Use only one scale.
  • Weigh yourself unclothed or wear the same thing for every weight measurement.

How To Make Water Drinkable At Home?

A couple of techniques and methods exist to make water drinkable, which lets us remove the microorganisms that might be present in this essential liquid that we use day-to-day for consumption and cleaning. This option is practical if there is a possibility that the water for regular use presents a risk of containing toxic and harmful elements for the body. Continue reading to find out how to make water drinkable at home.

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How To Make Water Drinkable At Home?

Methods of Water Purification

Water can be a nutritive substance for bacteria, viruses, or germs, that can be disease-causing when polluted, additionally, among its components, it can have elements that turn out to be absolutely detrimental to the human body.

When you make water drinkable you eliminate all these sources of infection, eradicating the pathogens that create them, in order to avert disease spreading.

1. Boil Water

Not entirely drinkable water better be boiled until the temperature gets to the boiling point, 100 degrees centigrade. Boil for about 5 minutes at this temperature.

It is crucial to remember that you must make sure that the utensils and the containers that are used to store the water are free of polluting elements. When you are making water drinkable you should sanitize everything as well, even your hands. Everything must be sanitized (the hands as well).

2. Chemical disinfection

Very effective disinfection against viruses, bacteria, and most microorganisms, which cause serious gastrointestinal diseases is chemical disinfection. It is frequently performed with iodine and chlorine. These elements have notable differences despite being similar substances, these differences are:

The iodine’s protective effect against protozoa in all its forms is very effective and it is easier to handle. Sometimes, because of its higher price people prefer chlorine over iodine.

Disinfection can be performed with povidone-iodine, iodine tablets, or tincture. In this case, the manufacturer’s instructions must be followed to the letter because each of these methods has different usage characteristics.

Meanwhile, chlorine is very efficient against bacteria, but not very much efficient against viruses. It is somewhat a watermaker, specifically when the water is cloudy, hence it is desirable to filter it using a fabric or gauze and then add the chlorine.

Sodium hypochlorite is a water purifying element and in the packaging, you must determine that it is a substance that can be used to adjust the water that is going to be ingested. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate tablets are also used in addition to 5% sodium hypochlorite.

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How To Make Water Drinkable At Home?

3. Use of filters

You can make the water drinkable using filters. Use materials of the best quality. If you use ceramic-type material, it has silver-coated pores which will prevent the growth of bacteria.

Diseases and contamination

The disinfection process should be centralized in a water treatment plant that has special equipment to deal with these types of emergencies, in case, if it is a large community where water needs to be made drinkable, such as a poor area. or a refugee camp.

In case the water is very muddy, it must be repositioned to an open tank for filtration and then to a closed tank for chlorine addition.

In the areas that are difficult to access or are too rural, the best choice is to perform water treatment by the distribution of water filters, envelopes, and tablets in each home.

It is vital that communities have clean water, so its purification process must be performed when necessary. Eventually, this will give positive results by decreasing the significant percentage of viral or gastrointestinal diseases, which are a result of the consumption of water that is not suitable for drinking.

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Measuring Rulers

History, Usage, and Types of Rulers

The instrument that can be used for measuring distances or to draw straight lines in geometry, printing, technical drawing, and many other things is known as a ruler.

Throughout history, humans have mainly taken their body parts as measuring units. Such units are foot, hand, or cubit. In France, for easier measuring, the metric system was invented, and by the end of the 18th century, the majority of the countries of the world adopted it. For more than four thousand years people are using things to help them measure various things.

Measuring Rulers

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A measuring rod made of the copper alloy was the first ruler and it dated from 2650 BC. Eckhard Unger, a German Assyriologist found that measuring rod. Ivory rulers were used by the Indus Valley Civilization in 1500 BC. Some findings in Lothal confirmed that there was a ruler which was 4400 years old and was calibrated to 1.6 millimeters. The ruler of Mohenjo-Daro has accuracy within 0.13 millimeters. The first flexible ruler was made in 1902 and the first folding ruler was invented by Anton Ullrich.

Types of Rulers

Rulers come in various sizes, shapes, and materials. Some of those materials are wood, metal, and plastic. Metal, as a stronger material, is often used for workshop rulers. Rulers that are made of wood are mainly used for office work. Rulers can be made in different sizes. A desk ruler’s usual size is 30 cm. Size of the longer ruler is 45 cm. There are also carpenter rulers that can be folded in a zig-zag shape and small rulers that can fit in a pocket. Yardsticks (1 yard) and meter sticks (1 meter) are in use for larger measuring distances, but today it is more and more substituted by laser rangefinders and tape measure.

Three main usages of desk rulers are to draw lines, to measure, and as a straight guide for cutting with a sharp blade.

In the printing industry, a line gauge ruler is mostly used. On this kind of ruler units are millimeters, inches, agate, picas, and points.

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Measuring Rulers

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A shrinkage ruler is one of the specialized rulers. This type of ruler is designed for making a wooden mold for a metal barely bigger than the finished product because of the metal’s shrinkage rate.

Rulers are not always used for measuring straight lines. Occasionally, like in the tailoring industry, it is necessary to measure a person’s waist measurements, for instance, so for that purpose, there is a folding measurement instrument.

There is also a ruler software, a virtual ruler, or a screen ruler. It can be used to measure pixels on mobile phones or computers. As opposed to that, there is also a ruler for drawing curved lines. That kind of ruler is named a French curve. There is also a flexible appliance known as a flexible curve or a flat spline which can be bent into a desirable shape.

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How to measure dry ingredients?

How to measure dry ingredients

A good baker needs proper measuring skills. We will show you how to measure dry ingredients accurately.

Baking is a lot like chemistry. Therefore, adding too much flour to your cake batter may result in baking a dry and tough cake. On the other hand, your cake will collapse in the oven if you do not add enough flour.

How to measure dry ingredients

Measuring Volume

Measuring volume means measuring how much space something occupies. It’s generally used as a form of measurement for most baking recipes in the US. The most common units of volume are teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, gallons, quarts, pints, and fluid ounces.

Let’s make something clear. You cannot assume a coffee cup, a teacup or a mug is the same as a measuring cup.

For volume measurements, having an accurate set of different-sized dry and liquid measuring cups is a good start. Don’t forget a set of measuring spoons.

In the United States, one cup equals around 240 milliliters*. Some recipes can be made by volume measurements with a container of choice (theoretically a coffee mug can be used to measure the ingredients). However, in general, you must make sure you are using graduated measuring cups and spoons when baking.

* It’s 236.6. As volume measurements are essentially imprecise, 240 is good enough.

Since a tablespoon is also a standardized unit of measurement, you cannot use an ordinary dinner spoon if a recipe requires you to use a tablespoon of baking powder.

Dry vs wet ingredients

You can measure wet ingredients, such as milk, or water in dry and wet measures. The weight of a dry measuring cup of milk should be the same as a weight of a wet measuring cup of milk. However, a dry measuring cup must be as full as possible, which sometimes makes measuring liquids in dry measuring cups impractical. The same goes for dry ingredients, they can be measured in a liquid measure, but leveling dry ingredients accurately is very difficult.

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Measuring dry ingredients using dry measuring cups

Different methods can be used to fill a dry measuring cup with sugar or flour. You can sift, use a spoon or a scoop to fill a dry measuring cup. The method which you will use for filling a cup can seriously alter the mass of the ingredient you measure.

You can dip your dry measuring cup into the container and by lifting it out, let the dry ingredient overspill from the top. For leveling off the top of the cup you can use an edge of a butter knife. A dry cup of flour is precisely measured when having a flat top surface that is level with the edge of a cup.

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How to measure dry ingredients


Why are dry measures inherently inaccurate?

When measuring dry ingredients by volume, the problem lies in the compressibility of the ingredients. For instance, you can easily compress flour by scooping, spooning, or packing it into a measuring cup.

If you fill a cup by dipping it into a container, it can weigh as much as 50% more than a cup that you fill by sifting flour into it!

Even if you use the same method, the amount of flour in a cup can be different. The difference depends on how light-handed or rough you are when you scoop a cup.

A lightly scooped cup and a firmly scooped cup can have different weights. The contrast in weights can make you a successful baker or cause you to fail in a recipe.

To make a cup weigh the same each time, you must practice a lot.

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Measure by weight

The Ounces and Fluid Ounces aren’t the same

A unit of weight – ounces

A unit of volume – fluid ounces

If you measure water, one fluid ounce weighs the same as one ounce of weight. However, this ratio can alter based on the density of what you are measuring. The encouraging news is that usually, one fluid ounce of any liquid in cooking will equal an ounce. So, the slight difference will not affect your results much.

Two different systems of measurement sharing the same name can be confusing. For example, a recipe tells you to use eight ounces of chocolate chips. Does the recipe refer to weight (ounces on a scale) or volume (dry measure cup filled with chips)?

How to measure dry ingredients

In the US, if you see a dry ingredient in ounces, it is a unit of weight. However, if you see a wet ingredient in ounces, it is fluid ounces, and you should measure in a wet measuring cup. However, when weights are listed before volumes, ingredients should be measured on a scale.

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Why is measuring by weight better?

If you want to be successful at baking and avoid washing the cups/spoons, it is time to think about investing in a good digital scale.

  • More accuracy.  No compressibility issues. Three ounces of flour is always three ounces of flour, it doesn’t matter how you transfer it to your bowl. So, every time you bake, it is guaranteed that the ratio of ingredients will be the same.
  • Less mess. Using a scale for measuring ingredients is easier because you do not have to wash an array of measuring cups. You only need one or two mixing bowls when measuring by weight.

Here you can watch how to measure dry ingredients like a pro

How To Measure Shoes

The best method to measure shoes is to put them down carefully on a dull surface, such as a floor or a table. However, measuring the shoe will only work for brands whose footwear you already have.

Accurate measurement of your feet, as well as the shoes, is a must if you’re purchasing shoes online. Shoes that are too tight or too loose are uncomfortable as well as unfashionable.

Place your shoes down carefully on a flat surface, such as a table or floor to get the best measuring result. Yet, measuring a pre-existing shoe will work only for brands whose footwear you already own. Or else, you will have to measure your own feet and apply the measurements to the sizing guide given by the brand or a website.

Below you will walk through a detailed guide on taking measurements for shoes. Keep on reading on to find out more.

How To Measure Shoes

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Steps To Measure Shoes

Measure Shoe Length – Put your shoes on a flat, solid surface, such as a table or floor. Then position the measuring tape on the tip of your shoe and pull it to the heel of the shoe, or until where the shoe ends.

Measure Shoe Width – With the shoes placed on a flat surface, put one tip of the measuring tape on one side of the widest part of the shoe [on the front] and measure it until the other side. You should measure across the widest shoe vamp, but it is crucial to exclude the sole.

Measure Shoe Height – First of all, put the shoes on a solid, flat surface such as a table. Then, position the measuring tape vertical to the heel of the shoe and drag it to the edge of the shoe opening. This will give you the shoe height. In this instance, make certain to include the shoe sole.

Measure Shoe Top-line – In this case, you should put the tip of your measuring tape inside the opening of the shoes and circle it inside. This will provide you with the shoe’s top-line measurement.

Measure Sole Thickness – Placing your shoes on a solid, flat surface, measure the sole thickness by putting the tip of the measuring tape on the bottom edge of the sole and measuring until the top edge.

Measure Heel Thickness/Heel Height – In order to measure shoes with heels, position the tip of the measuring tape on the base edge of the heel and measure until the part where the heel is connected to the main body of the shoe.

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Steps To Measure Your Body

Foot Length Measurement – The most important part of taking measurements for shoes is to measure your foot length since most shoe sizes depend mainly on the measurement of the foot length only. Regarding this, grab a piece of paper and place your foot on it. In case, if your foot is too big, attach another sheet of paper to it, with the ends of both slightly overlapping. Next, position your foot onto the paper and, using a pen or a marker, gently trace around the foot, with the pen vertical to your foot. Make certain that you are wearing the sock that you will be wearing with the shoe you buy. Put all your weight onto the paper, as it will help you to get the most precise measurement.

The Width Measurement – Grab the measuring tape and gently wrap it around the widest part of your foot, which is typically around the bunion joint. Put a mark on the point where the two ends overlap. Make certain that you place all your weight on the foot while making this measurement.

How To Measure Shoes

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Tips For Making Measurements

– Make sure that all the measurements are made with the shoes positioned on a smooth surface, like a floor or a table, and all creases smoothened out.

– While measuring, do not hold the tape measure too tightly or loose. It must wrap around your body well.

– Make certain that all the measurements are as precise as possible.

– Consult an international sizing chart as each country or region has its own rules of sizing. Brands vary in sizing as well, and many brands are known for having garments that run a size larger. Therefore, it is necessary to match your measurements with their sizing guide.

– Always refer to the sizing guide noted by a brand/store.

– Take the measurements after a full day of walking as it tends to grow the size of the foot.

– Try to be as precise as possible when taking shoe sizes, and measure to the nearest inch.

– Because our feet tend to be asymmetrical, measuring both feet, is recommended.

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9 Biggest Urban Parks in The World

The majority of the world’s cities seem like mazes of concrete and glass. Everywhere you look, you find tall skyscrapers, roads swarming with cars, and a whole lot of noise associated with city living. Not very attractive if you are someone who appreciates being somewhere more peaceful, with lots of green space.

Some cities possess large, well-known oases of green space, in which individuals can enjoy wildlife’s sights and sounds, have a picnic, play a sport, or simply take a soothing stroll. These kinds of green spaces are known as urban parks. Some of them cover hundreds, and thousands, of hectares. Some of them can be found just on the outskirts of the city limits, and others can be accessed from within the city. Here you will find out about the 9 biggest urban parks in the world.

Parks in The World

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#1 – Chugach State Park

The largest urban park in the world is Chugach State Park. It spans more than 200,000 hectares. Actually, it is almost ten times larger than the world’s second-largest Park (Table Mountain National Park). Chugach State Park can be found in Anchorage, Alaska. The name “Chugach” is a tribal one for the local Indigenous people. The park itself contains various geographical elements, including lakes, rivers, tall mountains, and foothills. It also has hiking trails that are very popular with tourists. Further outdoor activities in the park include biking, riding ATVs, rafting, fishing, and kayaking. The park users can find campgrounds and cabins for rent.

Parks in The World

#2 – Table Mountain National Park

The Table Mountain National Park, which is the world’s second-biggest park is located in Cape Town, South Africa. The park measures 22,100 hectares and is named after the well-known, flat Table Mountain, which has a flat peak that makes it look like a tabletop. To get to the top of the mountain, you should take a cable car. In the park, you can find 1,470 floral species and nearly 2,200 various species of plants the majority of which are endemic to the region. At Table Mountain National Park, another interesting sight to see is the penguins, who enjoy flocking in a spot of the park called The Boulders.

Parks in The World

#3 – Margalla Hills National Park

Margalla Hills National Park is the third-biggest urban park in the world. It consists of 17,386 hectares and is located in the city of Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. Established in 1980, the park includes the Margalla Hills, Rawal Lake, and the Shakarparian complex of Sports and Culture. The Margalla Hills National Park boasts several species of mammals, birds, and reptiles, and it is Islamabad wildlife sanctuary’s extension. The national park also includes various hiking trails popular among locals and tourists. With regard to landscape, the Margalla Hills are the rugged foothills of the vast Himalayan Mountain range and include many steep slopes and valleys.

Parks in The World

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#4 – Pedra Branca State Park

Spanning 12,394 hectares in one of Brazil’s largest cities, Rio de Janeiro, Pedra Branca State Park is an urban park. To be more accurate, it is an urban forest. The Pedra Branca State Park protects one of the most threatened biomes of both Brazil and the world, half of the Atlantic Forest remnant of Rio de Janeiro. The park contains almost 500 different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, some of which are endangered, and more than 900 species of plants. The park is located at an altitude of 3,360 feet [1,024 m], where you will find the highest point in Rio de Janeiro, the Pico da Pedra Branca.

Parks in The World

#5 – McDowell Sonoran Preserve

This park is located in the United State of Arizona, in the city of Scottsdale. McDowell Sonoran Preserve includes a wide variety of multi-use trails, which can be traversed by foot, bike, or horse. It encompasses 12,300 hectares of Sonoran Desert habitat. The website of the City of Scottsdale cautions people who visit the park to look out for rattlesnakes, which appear from hiding in the spring and are a protected species considered vital to the ecosystem of the park.

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#6 – Sanjay Gandhi National Park

The Sanjay Gandhi National Park, named after a prominent Indian politician, is located in Mumbai, India, and covers a space of 10,384 hectares. The park encompasses a vast area of forest, with more than 1,300 species of trees. It also contains various animal species, including 35 species of mammals, 274 species of birds, and 170 species of butterflies. Park visitors can enjoy different activities, like going on lion and tiger safaris, cycling, boating, and visiting the ancient Kanheri Caves carved into the rock approximately 2,000 years ago.

Parks in The World

#7 – Franklin Mountains State Park

Lying within the city limits of El Paso, Texas, the Franklin Mountains State Park is located in the small Franklin Mountains range. It was established in 1979 to preserve the Chihuahuan Desert landscapes and spans 9,812 hectares. Park activities include camping, rock climbing, hiking, and mountain biking. You will have the opportunity to ride a mechanized gondola to an observation point at an altitude of 5,632 feet [1,717 m] if you visit Franklin Mountains, State Park.

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#8 – Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge

The Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge is situated in New Orleans, Louisiana, and encompasses an area of 9,210 hectares. It was created to protect the last remaining marsh areas in the region. Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge is home to several different natural habitats, including bottomland hardwoods, canals, marshes, lagoons, borrow pits, and natural bayous. There are approximately 340 species of birds that can be found in the refuge. Another typical sight is the American alligator. This refuge is one of 9 that are all part of the Southeast Louisiana Wildlife Refuges Complex.

#9 – Bukhansan National Park

Bukhansan National Park is located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The word “Bukhansan,” word-for-word means “mountains north of the Han River.” The park has an area of 7,992 hectares, and it has been selected by the Guinness Book of World Records as the “Most Visited National Park per Unit Area.” Yearly it is visited by an estimated 5 million people. The park is also home to approximately 3,100 animal and plant species. It is very popular with hikers and contains forested areas, granite peaks, gorges, and Buddhist temples.

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Weight of a Gallon of Water

How Much Does a Gallon of Water Weigh?

One gallon (US) of water, at room temperature, weighs approximately 3.78 kilograms or 8.33 pounds. According to the water density level, the precise weight of it differs. Water density depends on its storage temperature.

Weight of a Gallon of Water

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How Much is a Gallon of Water?

We need to be clear about what a gallon actually is if we’re talking about the weight of a gallon of water.

In the United States, a gallon is equivalent to 128 fluid ounces or 3.785 liters.

In the United Kingdom, however, a gallon is equivalent to 160 fluid ounces or 4.546 liters.

In this article, we are going to focus on the American gallon [128 fl oz].

How Much Does Water Weigh?

People usually go by the rule that a liter of water weighed a kilogram. The beauty of the metric system is in its tidiness: 1 cubic centimeter of water is 1 milliliter and weighs 1 gram. So 1 liter of water [1000 milliliters] weighs 1 kilogram [1000 grams].

What is the Weight of 1 Gallon of Water?

A United States gallon of water weighs approximately 8lb, but the precise measurement really depends on a couple of environmental aspects that we will walk you through now.

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What Changes the Weight of Water?

As you are aware, water can change its state from boiling water on the hob or freezing it into cubes. These are extreme examples, but even mild changes in temperature do have an impact on the behavior, and thus the weight, of water.

Likewise, as the weight of water would be different at the bottom of the ocean, on land, or on the moon, atmospheric differences have an effect on its mass.

Weight of a Gallon of Water

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How Does Temperature Affect the Weight of Water?

Energy increases when water is heated up. An increase in temperature caused the water molecules to accumulate energy and move faster, which results in water molecules that are farther apart and an increase in water volume. So, the amount of space each molecule now requires is greater. Hence, increasing the energy [i.e. heat] of water decreases its density, and molecules become more spaced out.

Accordingly, if you have a gallon pitcher that you fill with cold water from the tap, it will weigh more than a pitcher of boiling water. More molecules fit in a given space [the gallon pitcher] than would be in the hot water because the density of the cold water is greater. In other words, hotter water weighs less, and colder water weighs more.

Using a pint glass, an experiment was made, and the result was that a pint of cold water weighed 560g, but a pint of hot water weighed just 530g. So, less hot water fits in the glass.

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How Much Does a Gallon of Water Weigh?

Water is most dense when it is at 4ºC or 39.2ºF. A gallon of water, at this temperature, weighs approximately 8.345lb. If you turn the heating way up to 200ºF, then a gallon of water will weigh about 8.04lb. At room temperature [21°C or 70°F], a gallon of water weighs 8.33lb [3.78kg].

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